Why Are You Afraid?
When beautiful, auburn haired Amanda, 31, seemed resistant to releasing the forty pounds she’d been lugging around since high school, I knew we needed to go a bit deeper. At first, she’d followed my instructions and had lost weight very easily, but then her sub-conscious mind, her shadow side, took control, and she gained the weight back.
So in her regression I decided to ask, “Why are you afraid of your own beauty?”
It’s not always easy to uncover the “subconscious drives” that compel women to create a “protective barrier” between themselves and the world, but given enough time, I can usually find a way to uncover the source of their “resistance.”
Usually, it comes from something that happened in this lifetime. It can be something as usual as when a girl’s adolescent body attracts the attention of those pesky, testosterone saturated boys. It all comes with the territory of being human, yes? Keep in mind that there would be no species, if we humans weren’t the most sex-driven creatures on our planet, but it can be completely annoying to girls! (At least it was to me, when my own skinny, tom-boyish body went from flat chested to wearing a 34DD by the time I graduated junior high!)
Or it can be a trauma of some kind, like sexual abuse as a child (I see this all the time), or in my own case, a sexual assault. When I was 15, and sporting those brand new boobs, a man whom I knew well tried to rape me. Because I’m tall and strong, I was able to beat him off and get away, but that didn’t stop my own sub-conscious mind from making the “faulty assumption” that my beauty might just get me raped or killed. And suddenly, I found myself eating compulsively and I gained 40 pounds in a matter of three months. I went from 122 to 163, and I kept that weight on throughout my completely miserable high school years. (Another reason why I love helping people to lose weight!)
But for Amanda, we uncovered no sexual abuse as a child and she hadn’t been attacked in this lifetime. So when we did the regression, I asked the question: “Why are you so afraid of your beauty?”
Once she was in a deep state of focused concentration, I asked her to look at her feet. “Are you male or female?”
“I’m a beautiful Japanese girl,” she said. “And I have on really weird make-up.”
The make-up she described was classic Geisha make-up, but she’d never heard of a Geisha. When we went to “the next pivotal experience, it seemed that she was about to murder a man, one of her clients that she’d purposely gotten drunk. She was doing this for another man (her mother in this lifetime), and she thought that he loved her.
In the next “pivotal experience,” she saw herself being taken away by police and then she was hung.
So she saw how she’d used her beauty as a weapon, and to kill. And so, subconsciously, she’d made a “faulty assumption” that she that “beauty is dangerous.”
Once she went to the In Between, she met with her guides and “The Tribunal,” and she heard what she needed to do to claim her beauty and power. For a woman, beauty is power. And using her beauty and power to do what her soul demands is the key to real happiness. Now she will be able to easily release those forty pounds and enjoy her own beauty.