Tyrannized by Your Own Inner Critic Do you have an angry Inner Voice that steals your day-to-day happiness? Do you have ruminating thoughts (obsessive-compulsive, OCD thoughts) that persistently remind you...
Feeling Abandoned?Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification & Past Life Regression Can Heal Old Wounds. Do you have abandonment issues? Were you abandoned as a child? Do you cling to unhealthy relationships...
Love in the Time of Our Pandemic When you live by yourself, you live with the fantasy of who you are. When you live with another person, you live with...
Mission Impossible - Keep Yourself Happy!Keep Yourself On Schedule! The TV show that premiered in 1966, “Mission Impossible,” seemed to my teenage self like complete fiction. From the tape recorder...
How Reframing Can Calm You Down!The Joyousness Cure. As all my clients know, I live in an alternate world. I do Past Life Regressions, so for me, dying is an...
Don't PanicAnxiety Tanks Your Immune System. Fear is far more contagious than any virus, so please don't panic during this challenging "learning opportunity" for our species. As the doctor who...
Does the Rush of Holidaze Depress You?You're Not Alone! Are you feeling overwhelmed by the expectations of the Hallmark Holiday? Does just thinking about it fry your nervous system? If...
Night Terrors Healed......with Hynotherapy & Past Life Regression Have you ever woken up screaming? Terrified? Heart racing? But you don’t know why? That’s called a night terror dream. They’re caused...
Where Did You Make The Faulty Assumption...That You're Not Good Enough? Did your feeling of not being good enough, competent enough, or smart enough come from your mother? Your father? ...
Don't PanicSometimes Things Have to Fall Apart Completely Before a New Life Can Begin A couple of weeks ago, I took myself out to Malibu for a few days to...