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Create Joy In Your Life

By February 22, 2024Hypnotherapy
Create Joy In Your Life - Los Angeles Hypnotherapy - Stephanie Riseley

Create Joy In Your Life

Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, & Past Life Regression Can Get You Happy Again!

How can hypnotherapy, cognitive behavior modification, and Past-Life regression therapy get you happy? Teaching you techniques will help you explore the “faulty beliefs” you were hypnotized into accepting by your parents, religion, society, or time you were raised in.

For instance, when I was young, in the ’50s and ’60s, I unconsciously drank the Kool-Aid of the time, that is, the belief that girls were less valuable, less talented, and less intelligent than men. The society re-enforced those beliefs with every show on TV, “Father Knows Best,” for example. Submissive women ruled the day. On top of that, I was told that there was a big Male Sky God who said that because I was a girl, my body was sinful. And it was my fault that there is evil in the world. He blamed it all on poor Eve. Even as a three-year-old, I knew that it was a hockey puck.

In those days, the only jobs open to girls were nurse, teacher, secretary, and, if you were pretty, a stewardess for Pan Am! There was a whole Disney series about how fabulous it would be to strive to be a “Coffee, Tea or Me” girl. That was ambition and reality for girls in the ’50s & ’60s.

Things changed a bit. The girls of my generation fought for equality and made some headway. Taylor Swift is making more – I love her because she creates joy and happiness.

That happiness creates hormones in your body, which fill you with determination to take action, even when things go wrong.

Don’t wait for someone else or something else to make you happy. Be the source of your own happiness. Find joy in your life. Create it on the fly!

The picture above shows me at the Hollywood Farmer’s Market, my Sunday morning habit. That hula hoop? I was a champion when I was 12!

So, if you want to be happy, create habits of happiness. As my clients know, I recommend books. Here’s a cheat sheet from a book you might like:

“The How of Happiness,” by Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD


  • Break a long-range goal into steps or sub-goals.
  • Begin your pursuit of a distant goal by concentrating on the first sub-goal.
  • Practice making different routes to your goals and select the best one.
  • Mentally rehearse scripts for what you would do should you encounter a blockage.
  • If you need a new skill to reach your goal, learn it.
  • Cultivate two-way friendships where you can give and get advice.

But Don’t:

  • Think you can reach your big goals all at once.
  • Be too hurried in producing routes to your goals.
  • Be rushed to select the best or first route to your goal.
  • Overthink with the idea of finding one perfect route to your goal.
  • Conclude you lack talent or no good when the initial strategy fails.
  • Get into friendships where you are praised for not finding solutions to your problems.



  • Tell yourself that you have chosen the goal, so it is your job to go after it.
  • Learn to talk to yourself in positive voices (e.g., I can do this!).
  • Recall previous successful goal pursuits, particularly when in a jam.
  • Be able to laugh at yourself, especially if you encounter impediments to your goal pursuits.
  • Find a substitute goal when the original goal is blocked solidly.
  • Enjoy the process of getting to your goals, and do not focus only on the final attainment.

But Don’t:

  • Allow yourself to be surprised repeatedly by roadblocks that appear in your life.
  • Try to squelch totally any internal put-down thoughts because this may only make them stronger.
  • Get impatient if your willful thinking doesn’t increase quickly.
  • Conclude that things never will change, especially if you are down.
  • Engage in self-pity when faced with adversity.
  • Stick to a blocked goal when it is genuinely blocked.
  • Constantly ask yourself how you are doing to evaluate your progress toward a goal.

If you need help discovering what hidden beliefs might be in the way of finding joy, happiness, and a sense of purpose, please call me. 323.933.4377

If you want another few books to give you a bigger perspective on your life, my fine teacher Brian Weiss’s book: “Many Lives, Many Masters,” and Michael Newton’s “Journey of Souls,” not to mention my own book, “Love From Both Sides – A True Story of Reincarnation and Soul Survival,” is always fun to read. They all can give you perspective on your present life.

If you need help with changing your mind, your brain, and your habits, just give me a call. (323) 933-4377

Sending you love,


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