Open to Health & Healing
Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, Awareness Therapy, and Past-Life Regression can heal the worst betrayal imaginable.
As my clients know, I’m a huge fan of Robert Sopolsky, Ph.D., the Stanford neuroscientist who recently wrote: “Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst.” In that book, he explains the glitch in the brain that creates the most monstrous human – a pedophile, and the compulsion to sexually abuse a child.
Sopolsky also sheds light on the human need for justice, punishment, and revenge. Children are human, seeking protection and justice and instinctively wanting revenge.
“The Body Keeps the Score,” by Bessel A. van der Kolk, is another book that I recommend to my clients who have mysterious auto-immune conditions like the one that almost killed me — Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).
SLE is a disorder where the body makes antibodies to itself or tries to kill its own organs and tissues. For me? My connective tissues went to war everywhere in my body, so I was crippled at 19. I couldn’t walk, couldn’t even bend an elbow, and by 21, I almost died when my heart attacked my lungs, and I could no longer breathe.
I died, and I went off to the “In Between” (dying is quite exquisite – when you die, you feel a familiar bliss), but the “In Between” wouldn’t take me back right then.
“Okay. I’ll stay,” I remember thinking, very much annoyed.
I’m glad I stayed and decided to fight for my life because I wouldn’t have the joyous fun my work gives me by helping people heal and forgive the unforgivable.
Over more than 20 years of helping people find alternate ways of healing the trauma of past abuse, I have seen way too many women who were abused by trusted adults. Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers, Mormon Elders, Priests, Scout leaders, Rabbis, Gurus, and Religious fanatics of all kinds. You name it; I’ve witnessed it from the perspective of the abused.
Back in the ’80s, when I worked for UCLA’s Neuro-psychiatric Institute, doing the research that became the DSM III (revised), I remember so many people just collapsing into sobs of shame when I asked the first questions about childhood sexual abuse.
Lately, I’ve seen far too many clients who were abused by trusted adults, trusted relatives. A feeling of complete powerlessness creates feelings of hopelessness and leads to acceptance of horrific and damaging treatment.
One client springs to mind:
Isabella, a fair-skinned, beautiful woman in her late 30s, came to see me more than two years ago. She was born into a family of dark-haired, darker-skinned people; her beauty had been the source of much but provoked annoyance and jealousy in her family.
She’d lost her long blonde hair and eyebrows after a bad break-up with a man she thought loved but betrayed her. I knew it was an auto-immune condition, but none of her Big Medicine providers could figure it out.
It wasn’t until a year into working with her that the mystery of why and what happened to her finally came to light. (As Jung so famously said, “Until you bring the subconscious mind up to full consciousness, it will rule your life, and you will call it fate.”
Isabella is a first-generation American from a religious family, and as Robert Sopolsky would call it, a cult who believes in the Great Sky God, created by a God of Judgement, Retribution and Revenge, as Sopolsky describes it.
That belief system demeans women so much, “they are the footstools of men,” and makes them so inferior that it makes it okay to use girl children as they please some broken, demented minds.
In Isabella’s life, the abuse began before the age of three. I’ll skip the gruesome details, but she is not the only client to whom this happened.
But Isabella is healing now because she has found the courage to listen to her own rage-filled inner child—the inner child who screamed inside but was never heard. The child who wanted revenge and justice and retribution from the Sky God she prayed to, but he didn’t care. He never struck down her abuser.
Here’s what Isabella wrote after her last Past-Life Regression.
“In order to feel safe, I need to let go of the fear toward my dad, and I must learn to trust myself to be able to heal.
On the bench in the garden, I saw my own one-year-old self, who sat next to me.
Stephanie then took me to an “alternate life,” where I had myself as my own protective mother, and I felt the benefits of being encouraged, loved, supported, and safe in my body and with my own beauty and sexuality.
To see why I chose the challenge of having this abusive father, I went back to ancient times in Africa with the same parents in this lifetime. I was the middle child of five siblings and the oldest male child. We were hunters and gatherers living in stone caves. About ten people lived in our cave; my father was the tribal chief. My parents argued, and my father hit my mom. I tried to protect and defend my mom, but my father, the chief, pushed me to the ground and hit me with a spear. He shamed me, so I left the village with the woman I was in a relationship with.
We found another tribe close by, but they did not welcome us. We were on our own, and she died, and I died soon after from starvation.
The vital lesson of that lifetime was that I could not stand up for myself.
The advice I would give myself is to stand up for myself without fear against my abusive father.
The fear of dying from speaking up in that lifetime has influenced my current life. This fear is in my chest. I need to let go of the anger to claim my freedom.
The anger is stored in my throat, and to release this anger, I must speak the truth to myself about my dad winning. He won, and I couldn’t accept it.
If I took his pride and shamed him, I would win by unveiling the truth about his abusiveness to everyone and put him to shame.
After I died in that lifetime, my spirit guides greeted me warmly. The overall purpose of my soul group is to teach forgiveness.
I need to forgive myself for being angry at myself and allowing my dad to abuse me.
The benefit of never speaking up was to stay stuck as the victim.
I used this as an excuse not to live my life. Loving and accepting myself is to heal completely and let go of the anger.
(In this lifetime) I refused to accept that I was abused, and I have continued beating myself. I need to put myself first. The tangible gift I could give myself to look forward to is finding a new home.
The anger from this ancient African lifetime has stayed with me because I had a mother who didn’t stand up for me and a father who belittled me. Because of that, I left on my own, and I died furious and blaming.
Therefore, I needed to redo that lifetime to allow myself to stand up for myself against a man who abused me.”
That’s what Isabella wrote.
What’s so unique about this young woman is how fearless she is. The last time I saw her, she decided to confront her abusive father, and that takes true courage.
Because Isabella owns her life, she’s entirely on her own side. She loves her body and knows that her sexuality is hers to enjoy.
She will no longer blame her beauty for getting abused. It wasn’t her fault that her father sexualized her and betrayed her.
I’m thankful she trusted me enough to walk this healing journey with her along a rocky road.
(Another client who has the same kind of abuse took my advice and joined a pole dancing class. The joyousness of her dancing is what is healing her now! So proud of my Goddess Girls!!)
Experiencing this incarnation from the perspective of a different life gives people the power and hope that fuels the will to keep on fighting for justice.
So, for you? Stand up for what’s right. Don’t take the abuse of women now codified into law in this country, in Texas, and other states, not to mention Iran. We’ll be there soon if we don’t take action.
Female bodies belong to Women. The choice is ours alone.
So that in this lifetime, make sure that you die proud and used up, and know that your life made a difference. The choice is ours, and we must fight to keep our freedom.
Please call if you need help finding purpose and passion in this lifetime. (323) 933-4377
Sending you love,
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