Open to Your Magic!
How can hypnosis, cognitive behavior modification, and past life regression change your brain and your life? By modifying your beliefs about yourself and your expectations about who you are and how you deserve to be treated.
I hypnotize clients into believing that they deserve to be treated well. That solves many of life’s challenges because when you surround yourself with people who treat you respectfully, you avoid those who criticize, condescend, or mistreat you.
As Dr. Brian Weiss says, “You must respect who you are; otherwise, you will destroy who you are.”
And that changes your life. Scientific research proves that reprogramming your brain with thoughts of self-respect, self-esteem, and feelings of self-worth changes your brain and creates a healthy and happy body.
The picture above is from a beautiful card I just got from Samantha, a client who saw me in 2021. Eight tiny pictures from Italy cover the back of the card, and the message reads:
“Dear Stephanie,
You opened my world in unimaginable ways. I still actively benefit from working with you, and I am forever grateful—just some of the places your work has taken me.
In her late 20s, Samantha had a fast-paced, good job in advertising. She worked long hours and had digestive issues caused by her work anxiety.
Beautiful, sassy, and sexy with huge eyes that radiated searching intelligence, she was ready to change her life. Like so many of my young clients, she was addicted to finding “the one,” and that made her miserable. The OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) that caused her to become such a great performer on the job made her brain fill with obsessive thoughts, and those negative thoughts triggered her gut.
She always played station KRAZY in her head and needed to learn how to turn it off.
In her first session, after I took the trauma history, I explained how her nervous system worked and how she could begin to calm it down by listening to the hypnosis MP3 that I made. I told her that she had to listen to it twice daily and do the suggested brain exercises to get results. Samantha discovered that the twenty-minute meditation calmed her nervous system down.
When I saw her for the second session, she came in singing the words of the MP3 back to me. I laughed so hard, and that moment still makes me smile!
Our many text messages show that Samantha devoured all the books I suggested. Information is power, and for my clients, I’m information-central. There’s never a time when I don’t have a book playing in my ear. So, for each client, I suggest different books that support the client’s needs.
Samantha succeeded spectacularly because she changed her thinking, eating, and exercise habits and learned to meditate.
But most of all, she changed her beliefs about herself and what she deserved. In her past life regressions, she experienced her authentic self and soul self and saw her true purpose.
She opened to her passion and became brave enough to follow her dreams.
Samantha learned how to use her own energy to access her power – her magic – which is really quantum physics. She created a foundation of love – the energy of the universe.
Please call if you need help accessing your power and changing your belief systems.
Sending you love,
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