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Stephanie Riseley Hypnotherapy - Los Angeles California


Take These Easy Steps to Stay Calm

Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, and Past-Life Regression can help you make it through the holidays with elegance and ease.


  1. Take extreme care of your body, mind, and soul by prioritizing your health and sanity.
  2. Take all the “shoulds” off your list of things to do. Drop into your gut and ask yourself, “Does this fill me with joy?” And if the answer isn’t a big “yes,” then please don’t do it. Know what your body tells you, and obey your true self. When people act out of obligation, it creates resentment. Resentment creates buried anger, and buried anger creates disease. Want to stay healthy? Stop “Jonesing” for everyone’s approval.
  3. When you get overly stressed, break the Emergency glass with this simple rescue remedy:

Create your own spa day or night.

Fill a bathtub with hot water and ¼ bag of “Ancient Magnesium Minerals” (it’s on Amazon), add some lavender oil, and soak for 15 minutes. Light candles if you want, but let your nervous system reset.

I just read (or listened to) a book, “When the Body Says No – The Cost of Hidden Stress,” by Gabor Mate, MD. A friend with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) recommended this book to me 20 years ago because she knew I also have SLE.

I love his other books, but I hadn’t read this one until last week, and this book rocks!

He dives deep into the stress that isn’t acknowledged on a conscious level and that can create auto immune diseases like SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis, ALS, and all kinds of cancers.

The denial of the self can destroy health and happiness. Perfectionism and pleasing others by denying your own needs and true self never pays off.

So, if the holidays don’t fill you with joy, find things that free you from the tyranny created by advertisers so you over-exert, over-spend, over-eat, and deny your own needs and authentic self.

Say “no” when you want to, and if you feel guilty for disappointing, so what? Choose to be kind to your own self instead. It will pay big dividends in the future. You are the only person you will never leave or never lose, so it’s your job to stand up for yourself.

If you need help finding your true self, please call me at (323) 933-4377

Sending love from Cayucos,


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