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Los Angeles Hypnotherapy, Stephanie Riseley

Harness the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, & Past Life Regression Can Change Your Life.

Do you feel stuck in behaviors that sabotage your life? Still vaping? Drinking too much? Addicted to negative thinking? Ruminating thoughts? Your OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) got you addicted to Instagram or TikTok? Abusive relationships? Coke? Depression?

If you want to change, here’s how:

  1.  Identify the problem.
  2. Decide you want to change.
  3. Get help if you find you can’t do it alone.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself into recognizing that your goal is important to you. Open your imagination to believe that you can change.

Believe in your dreams! Magnetize and manifest your dreams by visualizing the outcome you want, then find a time and take 20 minutes to meditate on the outcome you want.

Make it real to you and your brain.

How? Add your five senses to your visualization—Smell, Sound, Feel, Taste, Touch.

But you must create a habit of doing it. Repetition is the key to opening to your future. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. It feels like magic, but it’s science –quantum physics.

Neuroscientists prove that hypnosis and hypnotherapy can change the way you use your brain.

Learn how to shift your focus from negative to positive. As my clients hear me say, Like thoughts link together, and like nerve cells fire together.

That means that negative thoughts attract thoughts that support what they already think. If they are negative, they excite your body’s flight, fight, and freeze response.

For instance, it’s like on YouTube. When my stepson worked at YouTube, he said, “People at YouTube are very nice, but YouTube itself is evil. It addicts people by feeding them stuff like the flat earth garbage, then uses fear and anger to keep them hooked with algorithms. That’s evil.”

Learn how to argue with sabotaging, untrue thoughts.

Hypnosis is focused concentration or complete absorption. That creates flow, which is your body’s dopamine reward system. Flow comes with healthy achievement—bottom up, from your subconscious.

Want more flow in your life? More dopamine? Begin to believe totally in the dreams you want to achieve. Manifest and magnetize them.

How? With visualization, follow-through, and relentless dedication.

When I explained this to one of my clients last Saturday, she said, “Really? Wow! I read ‘The Secret,’ and I thought if I thought about it, I would get it.” That’s a huge misunderstanding that lots of people share.

Besides visualization, Past-Life Regression can shift your perspective, too.

Regression allows you to see your life from the soul’s vantage point. Brian Weiss, MD, my kind teacher, changed his life when he saw his present life from an ancient past life (one that we shared).

He understood how multi-dimensional his life was, and he connected to his soul’s wisdom. He gave up his job at Mount Sinai and walked toward his own soul path. It took courage, but he did it.

So, if you want to harness the wisdom of your soul and change your habits and negative belief systems into ones that bring you joy, success, and whatever else you want, please call me.

(323) 933-4377

Sending you love,



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