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By June 12, 2014June 2nd, 2017Hypnotherapy


As everyone knows, losing weight isn’t easy, and keeping it off can be even more challenging. All of the contestants on “The Biggest Loser” gain their weight back within a year. Gastric bypass patients gain their weight back, and we’ve all watched years and years of Oprah “outsourcing” her weight problem, with every diet fad, every guru, and personal cooks galore. But whenever Oprah’s left to her own devices, her own inner self,she gains her weight back again. That’s because she and the gastric bypass people didn’t change their habits and their “brain wiring.” They didn’t uncover the unconscious need for their protective “padding.” Many women do this for different reasons. I know all too well, because when I was 15, someone tried to rape me. I fought him off, but I immediately gained forty pounds, which I lugged around for years. It wasn’t until I understood the source of my subconscious need to protect myself that I let that forty pounds go. It’s why I love to help people uncover their own sources of self-protective sabotage.

To help people, I need to at least five sessions, and each session is two hours long. In the first two-hour session, I explain the brain and make a CD to help my clients understand their own “wiring,” and then I hypnotize them to delete old worn out circuits that are sabotaging them. They learn how to insert new habits of thinking, doing and believing… and they re-wire their brains.

In the second session, I interview them to find out where the fear and resistance might be buried, where the buried rage might be held, and then I make a Jungian-based CD to help them heal the parts of their own subconscious mind – their inner angry children, as it were.

In the third session, that’s when clients have done enough work to be able to access their deepest selves and their past life memories.

A couple years ago, I had a wonderful client named Nancy. She was the mother of two young children, had a full-time job, and an absent husband. He was only home on weekends because he taught college across the county, so Nancy had her hands full. Her mother had just died from a long, protracted, painful illness, andshe wanted to know how she and her mother might have been connected in a past life.

Because she’d always had a weight problem, she also wanted to lose about thirty pounds. Nancy’s a lawyer who represents abused children in the family court system – that’s her work.

By her third session she was doing amazingly well. My lawyers are my best students, because they do the homework.

So when we did her Past Life Regression, Nancy “went back in time,” and I said, “Look at your feet.”

“I’m barefoot,” she said.

“Where are you?”

“I’m a little boy, Simon’s my name. Maybe seven or eight. I’m in the woods, gathering twigs. It’s the 1800s, Pennsylvania.”

“Go to where you live,” I said.

“I live under a house,” and she started to weep. “I live like an animal; I’m hungry, I’m so cold, I’m so alone. Nobody loves me.” She described this lifetime, and she’d been abandoned by her mother, whom she didn’t recognize, but knew that the mother was not okay.

“She’s weak,” she said.

When I asked Nancy to look at the people who lived in the house above her, she recognized an uncle from this lifetimewhom she doesn’t like, and her own grandmother, a woman she also didn’t like in this lifetime.

Soul groups often travel in groups, and many times people see many of the same people they’re connected to in this life, expressed as different kinds of connections in other lives. For instance, a brother can be a former husband; a father can be a former best friend, a sister or wife, and so on.

“Let’s go to the next pivotal experience,” I said.

“I’m dying,” she said. “It’s winter and I’m freezing to death.”

I asked her “to float above,” and understand what her soul needed to learn in that brief lifetime, and she said, “That family and community are important.”

Now, because that death was traumatic, I did what I call psychic CGI – Computer Generated Imagery, like in the movie “Avatar.” So we “re-did” that death, and I asked Nancy to be under the house as her present adult self, and to just hold Simon, and comfort him as he dies.

When Nancy came back to room awareness, she understood why she’d always had the feeling that she couldn’t get enough to eat, and she also understood why she is so fiercely protective of children who are abused. Two huge “Ah ha!” moments.

Did we find her mother in that lifetime? No, but in her next regression she was able to find her mother. And that life was a wonderful life! She was a beloved Chinese monk, in a tiny village in ancient China. And her mother was there as a fellow monk. She also saw her “best friend” in that lifetime as the man she’s married to now. And both of her daughters were her devoted students. That lifetime was filled with joy, community and love.

Then to clear up any residual anger that she had because of her mother’s death, I asked her to ask her mother anything she wanted to ask. “Why didn’t you take better care of yourself?

“I needed to be in pain in this lifetime to learn many lessons. It was my own choice to die the way I did.”

And because of that conversation with her mother, Nancy was able to let go of the anger that comes when we lose the people we love. The “knowingness” that love never dies, and that only the body dies, made her loss easier to bear.

And the good news is that Nancy lost her weight and she kept it off.

Body image and weight are intrinsically interconnected, and over the years I’ve helped so many people understand their “resistance” to “owning their power and beauty,” by using hypnosis, awareness therapy, and Past Life Regressions.

As I said, the reason I love my work is that I spend years battling my own weight until I found the key to long-term weight loss: You have to love yourself lean, by creating habits of eating, living, and exercising, but most of all, your habits of thinking! And that’s what I teach. So if want to change all your own negative, compulsive thinking that will destroy your health and happiness, please give me a call. 323.933.4377.