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Stephanie Riseley, Los Angeles Hypnotherapist

Open to Fun!

Open to the Power of Your Shadow Side

Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, and Past-Life Regression can help you open to the power of your Shadow Self – Create Your Own Shadow Work Journal!

What is your Shadow Side? It’s what Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud’s disciple, deemed the subconscious mind. The newest scientific research proves that the “Shadow Side” is much stronger than the conscious mind, so it is essential to communicate with your own “Shadow Side” and see what’s going on.

How can you do this? If you’re one of my clients, it’s the “Inner Child Work” from the second session. In that session, you dropped into hypnosis, a deep meditative state, and then connected with the parts of your shadow side who might be afraid, ashamed or need to be loved. (If you’re not a client and want that technique, the Inner Child MP3 is on my website.)  Open a notebook, record the answers, and that’s your own Shadow Work Journal.

Another way to contact the “Show Side” is by inquiry. For instance, when I work with clients complaining that they procrastinate, I lead them through Byron Katie’s four questions from her book “Loving What Is.” The first question is:  Is it true?

And for my clients who think they procrastinate, it turns out they don’t.   When I get them to be honest with themselves, they discover the truth:  they have no desire to do what they think they have to do.

It turns out that they’ve been criticizing themselves and beating their poor Inner Child to a pulp. No wonder there’s so much resistance, sabotage, and inner anger.

Honoring and embracing your “Shadow Side,” or your Inner Child, is a gentle way to get things done.

Learning to be loving to yourself is step one in self-healing. No one likes to be bossed around – especially your “Shadow Side.”  The key is to communicate kindly and offer a reward to that reluctant self – that Shadow Side – and then negotiate. Get into a dialogue, and then you can get things done—one thing at a time.

Biggest trick? Open to fun! What is it that makes you feel alive?

The picture on top? That’s me while visiting my beautiful niece Athena, who is up in Arcata. Of course, it was just before I almost drowned. How? I thought I was still in my 30’s. What a delusion!

I decided to swim into the middle of that lake, which wasn’t a lake; it was a river. As I swam out, I got caught in a strong current of rushing water. I could see the waterfall I was being pushed toward, and I thought, “Gee, I better swim back.”  Only I couldn’t. And I couldn’t catch my breath because I must have panicked. Obviously, I survived. How? I thought, “Well, I can’t die here; Athena would never forgive me.”  That made me laugh and calmed me down, so then I swam to shore.

If you need help with procrastination, meditation, stress management, emotional self-regulation, or addictions, please reach out via the contact form on my website, or you can call or text me.

(323) 933-4377

Sending you love,


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