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Punch Up Your Happiness Power

Stephanie Riseley Hypnotherapy Los Angeles

Punch Up Your Happiness Power!

Exercise Your Happiness Muscles

Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, and Past-Life Regression can punch up your power!

How? You can learn how to exercise and strengthen your happiness muscles! Forget your abs and biceps because the most important muscle you own is between your ears.

Use hypnosis and your mind to re-program and change the old belief systems that sabotage you. Do your own negative ruminating thoughts bombard you about yourself and your life? Are you depressed? Is your OCD driving you up the wall?

Then help is on the way!

The newest brain science proves that you can change the “happiness setting” in your brain. Everyone has a setting, and you got yours when you were young. As a child, you adjusted to what the significant people around you told you was reality. And you believed them. Awareness therapy helps you listen to your “inner child” and begin to challenge thoughts and beliefs that tell you you’re not good enough.

Where to begin?

First, plan fun! If you have things to look forward to, it helps to “flip your brain from negative to positive.”  Or, Poopy Brain to Puppy Brain, as I say. Science backed research proves that you can literally change your brain. Once you do that, you can reward yourself for feeling reasonable rather than falling into the comfy pit of despair.

They do one activity a day that makes you happy! Walk – enjoy smelling a rose. Simple, yes! Dance in your own living room.

Find new words to describe how you feel. Try:  Serene, elated, exhilarated, delighted, overjoyed, jubilant. (When I go to Cryotherapy, the only song that plays is the Happiness Song. Then it plays in my head all day!)

When people ask how you are, instead of venting about the traffic you just endured, share your “highlights reel.”  Broadcast what made you happy. Spread your happiness on FB or Instagram, which will make you feel better. Emotions are contagious – spread joy!

Future pace positively – use imagery. Imagine the best outcomes. Take action. Make baby steps. For instance, you can create a Vision Board Goddess Group or join the Sierra Club and save my planet.

Use the Silver Linings Playbook. Look for the good that comes out of a disaster when my husband died, leaving me empty and in $180,000 of debt, which made me decidedly unhappy at the moment. I now see it was a great gift. If he hadn’t died, I would never have found out how really strong I was. As Eleanor Roosevelt said:  “Women are like tea bags. We don’t know how strong we are until you stick us in hot water.”  On top of that, if he hadn’t come back to me and chatted, forcing me to write “Love From Both Sides,” I wouldn’t have fought to publish it. But I did.

Then, I trained with Brian Weiss, MD, and became a hypnotherapist who does regression therapy. If my husband hadn’t died, I wouldn’t be doing the work I’m doing. So it was a good thing because this is work I was meant to do in this lifetime. It is my purpose.

If you are struggling to find your purpose for this lifetime or just want to quit smoking, lose weight, or stop complaining to yourself, please call me. (323) 933-4377

Sending you love,


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