Do You Have an Inner Whiny Bitch?
Do you suffer from an Inner Voice that constantly complains about you? Criticizes every move you make? Every thought you think? An Inner Whiny Bitch who assures you that you are never good enough? Are you a prisoner of your own thinking?
If so, then hypnotherapy, cognitive behavior modification, meditation, and regression therapy can help you escape. Learn to unlock the source of self-sabotaging behaviors when you get in touch with your “shadow side.” Those are the parts of your personality that are hidden deep in the recesses of your subconscious mind: wounded, freighted, traumatized, inner-children.
Getting in touch with those buried parts isn’t easy. They made negative assumptions about you and the value of your worth as a person when you were a child, and they still have opinions based on wrong information. You need critical thinking skills plus lots of patience to heal.
On top of training with Brian Weiss, MD, for regression therapy, I trained with two Jungian psychiatrists at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute for six years. Those alternate techniques help my clients access their own authentic selves and stand up to that crazy “Inner Whiny Bitch” within.
Sometimes this is called the “Inner Family Systems” technique, Shadow Side Work, or Inner Child Work, but whatever people call it, it leads to transformation. Using your mind to reprogram your brain heals old wounds.
Learn how to liberate the parts of your hidden self stuck in your past’s prison. Restore trust in yourself, and then you can create inner harmony and be wholly self-led. That releases the inner rage that causes anxiety and depression.
I wish it were easy, but it’s not. Human brains developed over the last six million years, and our ancient brains haven’t caught up with the flood of purposely triggering bad information that swamps us like a tsunami.
We are constantly inundated with false information, not just from within but from unreliable outside sources. Don’t let that happen. When you see insane stuff on Instagram, FB, X-Twitter, or TikTok that triggers you, and that might be false, use the CRAP test: Critical Thinking technique – ask: is it crap? This is the Critical Thinking CRAP test:
- C – Is it current? Or based is it based on dated information?
- R – Is it from a reliable source? Can it be fact-checked? Is there proof?
- A – Is it from an authority on the subject or just an opinionated podcast?
- P – What is the purpose? Get you angry? Make you afraid? Sell you something? Or Inform you?
So, please call me if you want to calm down and be creative, find your purpose, access your power, and let your light shine through the clouds.
Sending you love,
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