Open to Your Magic!Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, & Past Life Regression Therapy Can Change Your Life. How can hypnosis, cognitive behavior modification, and past life regression change your brain and...
New Year! New You!Laura went from 220 to 145 lbs. and will keep it off with Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, Awareness Therapy, and Regression Therapy. When I first met Laura,...
Open to Health & HealingThrough Hypnotherapy, Neuroscience, & Past-Life Regression Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, Awareness Therapy, and Past-Life Regression can heal the worst betrayal imaginable. As my clients know, I'm...
Feeling Abandoned?Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification & Past Life Regression Can Heal Old Wounds. Do you have abandonment issues? Were you abandoned as a child? Do you cling to unhealthy relationships...
Are You Stressed Out? Burned-out? Can’t Sleep?Cognitive Behavior Modification & Hypnosis Work Better Than Drugs! Do you feel exhausted, but you can’t sleep? Not able to calm your ruminating, racing...
Lost Your Lover? Afraid of Death?Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Can Help You Heal Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, and Past-Life Regression heal even the devastating wounds. Losing a child, a...
From Suicidal to SuccessfulHow Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, and Past Life Regression Healed a Wounded Warrior People call me when they’ve tried everything else and nothing works. I’m used to...
Want To Be Happy?Hypnotherapy, Awareness Therapy & Past Life Regressions Can Help You! Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, and Past Life Regression can help you find happiness. How? Understanding what “happiness”...
Own Your Courage!Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, Awareness Therapy, and Past Life Regressions can heal life-long anxiety. Over the years, I've worked with many people who needed help stopping the Obsessive...
AI and Chat Bot!Love Bombing From Cyberspace On a whim, my sister popped my name into her AI-Chat Bot. I WAS FLATTERED when I read what came up and realized...