Don't just bounce back! Bounce Forward!
Forward Pace Positively – Change Your Brain!
How using adversity can help you thrive!
New brain research proves that the old way of dealing with your problems, going to your compassionate psychotherapist, then complaining, while she kindly nods at you for an hour, and then charges your insurance company $400, is entirely ass-backward.
What can help you and change your brain is Mindful Awareness Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Past-Life Regression. Learn how to reframe your issue, your “incident” into a “learning opportunity.”
If, like me, you believe that everything that happens to you is a Soul Directed “growth opportunity” — that you don’t want — you can “reframe it” into a life-changing experience.
I have a beautiful wild-child client (now in her 50s), Barbara, who had breast cancer last year.
Before that, she took her exquisite amazing body for granted. She rode her instrument, her body, hard. She treated it as if it were a machine that did whatever she wanted it to do, without ever taking care of it.
After her third baby, she’d gained almost sixty pounds, because she ate fast food, drank too much, partied too much. She thought her body could never fail her.
Then her “wake up” moment came: she discovered that she had breast cancer.
Her world came to an abrupt halt. She went through a year of healing hell, with surgeries and chemotherapy that brought her to the edge of death. But she lived!
Barbara found out some beautiful and essential things about her life. Many things she’d just taken for granted.
Most of all, she discovered how much she was loved!
Her amazing family, her friends, and some people she didn’t even know, from the online support groups, supported her through her year of healing hell.
Now Barbara is back and even more beautiful than she was before! What’s interesting is that she told me she used to look in the mirror and say: “Oh, if only I could have new tits!” Now, she looks in the mirror and is thankful to have the tits that she has.
So for you, in crisis, if you can calm yourself down, you can change your reactions to disaster, and you can then change your life.
If you can’t calm yourself down, wait until you can. And then ask for help. Call me in the New Year, because I’m taking some downtime for myself. Greetings from Maui!
If you need help please give me a call. (323) 933-4377
Sending you love,
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