Happy New Year 2021 - Free Audio
Hey Gang!
Let’s celebrate getting through 2020! Congratulate yourself and know that next year at this time, 2020 will feel like a bad dream.
Please enjoy my new “Love Your Body” audio – https://stephanieriseley.com/shop/audios/Love_Your_Body.mp3
The attached audio – Love Your Body — will help ground yourself in your body and send love to the 120 trillion cells in your Amazing Body! All you need to do is download it from this email. Once you click on the link, a dark screen with an audio player will appear. Please click on the three dots on the right side and choose “Download.” Choose a local location to save this audio for future listening options.
Now, the best way to listen to it would be to do something yummy for yourself, like get into a bubble bath filled with lavender oil and Epson salts and surrounded by glowing candles. Doesn’t that sound like an act of self-care? Self-love? Small and doable.
If that’s not possible, then lie down, close your eyes and listen.
Loving yourself seems like an easy thing to do, but because there’s so much YouTube, FB, Instagram compare and contrast pollution that fills brains to the brim, just being who you authentically are doesn’t seem to be enough. You are enough. You get to be you! No one else has that job. So enjoy the ride. This life will be over, and when it’s done, you don’t want to look back and say: “Wow! I wish I had appreciated my own life more!”
In my work, I see so many clients who aren’t happy with who they are. When they do a Past Life Regression and find themselves in a life filled with horrendous challenges, it helps them understand how lucky they are to be alive right now. It slaps them upside the head! They begin to appreciate the abundance of the life they lead.
If you want to see a darling movie about a man who thinks that his life is meaningless unless he becomes a famous jazz pianist, watch “Soul” on the Disney channel. It’s so sweet, and it will make you happy!
Cognitive Behavior Modification can change your brain. Awareness Therapy keeps you focused on “What Is,” and doing a Past Life Regression can change your perspective! Do what brings you joy. What brings me joy? I help people heal.
If you need help please give me a call. (323) 933-4377
Sending you love,
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