Write Your Own Ending
Because of this pandemic, as the world’s death toll soars, it might be a good time to think about your own ending. No one knows when their last day will be, right? All we know is that everyone dies.
I’m lucky because at 19 I nearly died. I had a classic NDE, Near Death Experience. Here’s how I describe it in my book, “Love From Both Sides – A True Story of Soul Survival & Sacred Sexuality:”
“I had pericarditis with bilateral lung effusions, or in English, the sack around my heart, the pericardium, got inflamed, and both my lungs filled with fluid. As one doctor would say, ‘You’ve literally got a weeping heart. It’s actually very poetic.” Poetic perhaps, but it made it so painful to breathe that I couldn’t lie down flat. My parents had no interest in my health or anything besides their own passionate dance of destruction, so consequently, I sat alone and upright in a darkened room for almost two weeks.
When one of my mother’s friends opened my door, looked in, and saw me, it was almost too late. They rushed me to the hospital, but after the nurses got me settled into bed, I simply wanted “out.”
I remember closing my eyes, and it felt as if my hands were holding onto a bar just overhead, then I simply let go. Like magic, I slid easily down toward a warm, amber light. I knew exactly what was happening; I was dying, and I felt relieved.
But then, out of nowhere, something grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and yanked me back. It felt as if my body screamed, “Hey, wait just a damned minute! You’re nineteen. You may not want to live, but all of us hundred-twenty trillion cells do! So get a grip, Girl!”
As it turns out, according to “Dan,” it wasn’t just my body; it was my “oversoul” and my “guides.” It didn’t matter to me who or what brought me back, because there I was, in searing pain, and knowing that I would live, which at the time was not good news.
That was in April of 1967, long before Elisabeth Kübler-Ross published her book on death and dying, so like many people, I kept that experience to myself. But it changed me; it gave me the courage to ignore the doctors who told me I had five years to live.”
Obviously, the doctors were wrong. I haven’t died yet, and either have you. And that’s good!
I get both the LA Times and the New York Times, and I usually glance at the obits and read the quick bios of the lives lived. A couple of days ago, I saw an obituary of a woman I’d know when I was a child. Marie Brodnax, a movie star beautiful woman, whose joyous spirit and kindness always radiated through. Of all my parents’ friends, she was my absolute favorite. I still remember her playing with her adorable daughter Christy in our pool, while laughing with joy. She was 95 when she died, and reading about her life made me happy. It was a life well-lived!
Then I thought about my own obituary. What would it say? “She loved her work,” for sure! Because in my work, I help people connect with their guides and Over-soul. And that’s so fun! But what else? I’ll have to think about it.
And why don’t you, too? Why not take this downtime to think about how you want to be remembered? Do it as a writing exercise. Just for fun!
As the Dalai Lama says:
“We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety or one hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful, with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life.”
For the next two weeks or possibly month, I’ll be following the California “Shelter in Place” order, and I’ll be seeing clients only via Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype.
I’d love to go back to seeing clients in person by May, but no one knows how this pandemic will go. In the meantime, I’ve done Past Life Regressions over Zoom, so that’s possible. If you want to connect with your over-soul or guide or do a regular session, give me a call. (323) 933-4377
Stay calm, and stay safe!
Sending you love,
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