Past Life Regression Creates Gratitude!
Break the Addiction to Negative Thinking.
Being grateful for what we have and focusing on the good in our lives is the key to happiness. Every self-help book screams that at you, right?
And yet, do you still criticize yourself and your day-to-day existence? Are you addicted to comparing and contrasting your life with Instagram Influencers? You’re not alone! It’s your own addictive habits of thinking, doing, and believing that make you miserable. Cognitive Behavior Modification, Hypnotherapy, Mindful Awareness Therapy, and Past-Life Regression can break the addiction of negative thinking, and you can get happy and feel grateful.
Here’s how one of my clients broke the addiction to negative thinking.
Marcella, a six-foot-tall, striking African-American 23-year-old, came to see me because she felt unhappy, anxious and unmotivated. Just out of USC, she wanted to be an actress, but she wasn’t going on auditions or doing she needed to do to succeed in that tough business. She certainly had the beauty, intelligence, and background to go for it, but she wasn’t even trying, and she didn’t know why.
Born in New York City, her parents are both lawyers, and so she had a privileged childhood. She always did well at school, and particularly loved helping others. In college, she found the most joy in helping less fortunate children learn. But now she couldn’t help herself out of debilitating depression. She’d tried talking therapy, she’d tried the drugs, and when nothing else worked, she came to see me.
Before the regression, I took her to a childhood memory. And she saw herself as a 6-year-old with Jenny, her 3-year-old sister (whom she loves). Her mother is on the phone, and both girls want the attention of their busy mother. But when I asked Marcella what was happening, she said, “I seem to be angry, because Jenny gets away with everything!”
Then we did her past life regression, and she saw herself as a pretty, 16-year-old Indian girl dressed in bright colors for her wedding. She lived in a poor village, and she didn’t seem excited about this wedding at all.
“Okay,” I said. “Go back in time and see why you’re not happy.”
“I love another boy! We’ve been friends our whole lives. But my family’s so poor, and his mother won’t allow the marriage.”
“What happens next?” I asked
“A man from another village comes. He trades in animals. Pigs and goats. And he sees me, and he wants to marry me, so my mother gives me a way to him for pigs and goats!”
“Look at that man’s face,” I said.
“I think it’s Charles – my boyfriend, now.”
“What happens next?”
“I’m in my own house – it’s not much, but for the time and place, it’s fine. I’m in another village, and I’ve had a baby, a son. I should be so happy, but I don’t seem to care for him much. I’m just so unhappy. I complain to myself all the time.”
“Then what happens?”
“Not much. I’m just miserable. I only think about the man I wanted and my life as I wanted it to be. And I pay no attention to my husband or son.”
“What happens next?”
“I’m dying!”
“Who’s with you?” I ask.
“My husband. He’s holding my hand. Oh, my! How he loved me! Why didn’t I see that?”
“Float above,” I say. “What did you learn from that lifetime?”
“To appreciate what you have and not to focus on what you don’t have!”
“Would you like to see what it would have looked like if you had chosen to appreciate your life and not complained all the time?”
“You’re going to see an alternate past. Since all time is simultaneous, you’re going to go back in time and make a few changes. First, however, I want you to pretend to be the Goddess Kali, the Indian goddess of destruction and resurrection.”
“Now, go to that moment when she has her son. And go into her house, and stand in front of her – like a vision – and demand that she open her eyes and appreciate every moment!”
“Wow! She hears me! She sees me! I scared the hell out of her!”
“Good job! Now, let’s see what happens in that alternate past. Go to the next pivotal experience.”
“She’s changed. The house is brighter, and she’s had another baby. Another two! She’s happy with her husband, and she’s involved with her village. She’s become a leader in her village. She’s helping everyone be happier!”
“Let’s go to the end of that lifetime,” I said. “See how she dies.”
“She’s surrounded by children and grandchildren!”
“Now, go see her funeral.”
“The whole village shows up. She’s burned on a pyre above ground, with garlands and music and dancing! What a difference.”
“Good. Now go to the In-Between and see how your soul group greets you.”
“They’re so proud now!”
“Find your guide and ask for the purpose of your soul group.”
“I’m from a Leader – Teaching cluster.”
“Great. Now would it be okay for you to open to your power? Please accept your beauty as a gift and use it to lead and teach. Where you need to go, you will be led. I’m going to link you to your guide, and let you hear from her, okay?”
And Marcella heard from her guides and decided to go back to New York, and enter graduate school at Columbia. She’ll work as a model there, because of her beauty, but modeling bores her. As did acting, and that’s why she wasn’t motivated. Her soul purpose is to lead and teach. And knowing that helped put her on the path of the most joy.
So that’s how Past Life Regression can help you feel grateful for what you have.
If you need help in finding the path of most joy, give me a call. (323) 933-4377
Sending you love,
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