Feeling Abandoned?
Do you have abandonment issues? Were you abandoned as a child? Do you cling to unhealthy relationships for fear of being left alone?
Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Modification, and Regression Therapy can free you from the triggers and OCD-ruminating brain cycles that keep you a prisoner of your past.
You can learn to change your brain, calm your nervous system, and claim your life.
First, understand how your brain/body works with your traumatic memories.
Second, learn the scientific techniques that are far more effective than “complaining therapy.” Talking about the wounds of your childhood only strengthens/triggers the neuropathways.
Past-Life Regression Therapy can shift your perception of your past so you can reclaim your present and look forward to a better future.
Here’s the story of one of my clients who healed a mother-daughter wound when she experienced a “soul lesson” of this lifetime.
Cynthia, a 32-year-old Chinese professional dancer, called me a while ago. She said she couldn’t understand the source of her run-away anxiety and depression. She was young, beautiful, gifted, and well-educated, and it was as if she was angry at herself because she thought, “Are you kidding? What more do you need?” She was also spiritual, so she’d done everything – including years of talking therapy. But still, her anxiety and sadness persisted.
Her beautiful mother, Mai, born in Hong Kong, had become wildly successful – owning many successful companies, despite having a rocky start here in the US when she immigrated by herself at 19. Cynthia respected her mother for climbing out of poverty. Still, she resented her, too, because Cynthia had always been handed off to a series of nannies and finally, at age eleven, to a legal guardian so that her mother could marry yet another rich man, go back to China and take advantage of booming business opportunities of the “Chinese Miracle.”
When Cynthia did the Past Life Regression, I said, “Look at your feet!”
“My feet are filthy, and I’m in tattered rags. My name’s Danny. I’m eight or nine. I’m a street kid. It’s New York City in the early ’20s, crowded, fifthly poor.”
“Find your mother,” I said.
“It’s my mother in this lifetime! Only she’s not Chinese – she’s Polish. And we’re so poor! She’s got five other kids, but I’m the oldest. I love my little sister so much! It’s my sister in this lifetime.”
“What happens next?”
“My mom’s angry at me for not helping more, but I’m a tough street kid; maybe I’m eleven, so I mouth off to her. She whacks me across the face, and I hate her! We fight, and I high-tail it out of there, thinking I don’t need her! I’m only thinking of myself. I never want to see her again!”
“Next pivotal experience?”
“I make my way on the streets. I dumpster dive with the other homeless kids and then find a job delivering milk to people’s doorsteps. One of the widowed ladies I deliver to (Lydia, my guardian in this lifetime) realizes that I’m homeless, and she takes me in and raises me as if I were her own son. She loves me, so I grew up loved and cared for, and when she dies, she leaves me her beautiful Greenwich Village home. I’ve become a mechanic by then; I own a successful business and have a wife and family. It’s the time when people are afraid of the Atomic Bomb. (The early 1950s).
“What happens next?”
“I’m older now, and I’m filled with guilt. I know where my mother lives, but I don’t ever go to see her because I’m ashamed of the poverty that she still lives in. In fact, my own family, my wife and kids, don’t even know my mother exists. When I can’t bear this heavy guilt any longer, I finally seek her out. She’s an old woman now and knows who I am; she recognizes me but is so hurt that I abandoned her.”
At this point in the regression, Cynthia’s body filled with heat. She said, “I’m burning up with shame! And now I realize that my mother abandoned me in this lifetime when I was eleven years old, just like I abandoned her in that lifetime when I was eleven! Wow!”
Here’s what Cynthia wrote about her regression:
“It was at this moment that I had an extremely powerful heat overtake my body. I became very uncomfortable as I could feel the warmth spreading. I had no idea where this regression would go; I had thought it was going nowhere…until now. It was a sudden realization that my mother had abandoned me in this lifetime when I was 11 because I had done just the same to her in a previous lifetime.
In my life now, my mother suffers from extreme guilt, while I suffer from losing my mother at a pivotal time in my life. In this lifetime, my mother left me to be with a man who could give her money. Financial well-being is the most important thing to her now.
I believe she is making up for feeling ashamed that she could not provide a life good enough in the past so that her son, me, wouldn’t have run away. Our roles have completely reversed. All those nights my past-life mother must have cried for me to come home are just like all the nights in this life that I cried myself to sleep with my mom’s picture under my pillow, wishing we could be together again.
In Danny’s life, I visited my mother a few times as she aged. I always went alone since I could never gather the courage to reveal my true history to my new family. My sister had stayed by my mom’s side all along. She was the one taking care of her till she died. My sister is the one who notified me that my mother had passed. I never could reconcile with her before she died, and I could never overcome my guilt for what I had done. I later died of a heart attack. I learned to forgive and not hold a grudge in this life. Don’t run away from pain or difficulty. Forgiveness and having an open heart are the most important life lessons here, especially with the ones that love you.”
Cynthia now realizes that the “pain” of this lifetime is her “learning opportunity.” And because of that, she’s forgiven her mother completely, she let go of the pain of her past, and now she’s opened herself to her future. She’s writing a memoir, and she’s thrilled with the new direction her life is taking.
If you need to heal the trauma of abandonment and the triggering behavior resulting from that, please call me. (323) 933-4377
You, too, can let go of the past, find forgiveness, and be open to your future!
Sending you love,
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